Test Driven Development in Ruby Using Linux System

Test Driven Development in Ruby Using Linux System

Table of contents

Test-Driven Development (TDD) is a powerful methodology that emphasizes writing tests before implementing code, ensuring a more robust and error-resistant software development process. In this blog post, we’ll explore how to implement TDD in Ruby on a Kali Linux system, providing step-by-step guidance for setting up your environment and writing effective tests.


  1. Install Ruby*:* Ensure that Ruby is installed on your Kali Linux system. You can use the following command to install Ruby:

    sudo apt-get install ruby-full

  2. Create a new Ruby project: Set up a new directory for your Ruby project. Navigate to the project directory in the terminal.

    mkdir game

    cd game

  3. For Simple Test:

    1. Create a ruby file named “game.rb”.

      touch game.rb

    2. Open file using Vim.

      vim game.rb

    3. Paste this code then,

       class RockPaperScissors
        def play(player1, player2)
          if (player1 == "rock" && player2 == "scissors" || 
              player1 == "scissors" && player2 == "paper" ||
              player1 == "paper" && player2 == "rock")
              'Player 1 Wins'
          elsif(player1 == player2)
              'Player 2 Wins'
    4. Create test file named “game_test.rb”

       touch game_test.rb
    5. Open test file

       vim game_test.rb
    6. Paste this code

       require_relative 'game.rb'
       require 'minitest/autorun'
       describe "RockPaperScissors" do
        it "returns 'Player 1 Wins' when rock vs scissors" do
          # Assemble
          # Action
          result = RockPaperScissors.new.play("rock", "scissors")
          # Assert
          assert_equal('Player 1 Wins', result)
        it "returns 'Player 1 Wins' when scissors vs paper" do
          result = RockPaperScissors.new.play("scissors", "paper")
          assert_equal('Player 1 Wins', result)
        it "returns 'Player 1 Wins' when paper vs rock" do
          result = RockPaperScissors.new.play("paper", "rock")
          assert_equal('Player 1 Wins', result)
        it "returns 'Player 2 Wins' when scissors vs rock" do
          result = RockPaperScissors.new.play("scissors", "rock")
          assert_equal('Player 2 Wins', result)
        it "returns 'Player 2 Wins' when paper vs scissors" do
          result = RockPaperScissors.new.play("paper", "scissors")
          assert_equal('Player 2 Wins', result)
        it "returns 'Player 2 Wins' when rock vs paper" do
          result = RockPaperScissors.new.play("rock", "paper")
          assert_equal('Player 2 Wins', result)
        it "returns 'Tie' when scissors vs scissors" do
          result = RockPaperScissors.new.play("scissors", "scissors")
          assert_equal('Tie', result)
        it "returns 'Tie' when paper vs paper" do
          result = RockPaperScissors.new.play("paper", "paper")
          assert_equal('Tie', result)
        it "returns 'Tie' when rock vs rock" do
          result = RockPaperScissors.new.play("rock", "rock")
          assert_equal('Tie', result)
    7. Run the game_test.rb file

       ruby game_test.rb


  4. Conclusion: Test-Driven Development with Minitest in Ruby on a Kali Linux system provides a lightweight yet effective approach to writing reliable code. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can establish a TDD workflow for your Ruby projects using Minitest. Happy testing and coding!